Makefile Tutorial - Main Makefile Example

Source_Code Makefile

#: Makefile for Client Server Course Initial Assignment Programs
#: by: MBSpring
#: and rjy
#: additional bugs by: J. Kabara
#: creation date: 1 January 1996
#: last modification date:
#: version: 2.1
# ignore errors and keep compiling therefor make will attempt to compile
# other programs even if one fails
#: keep information on how the last compile attempt went
#: the line below uses default options for files with these suffixes
.SUFFIXES: .o .c
# Construct a .o file from a .c file with the same name.
# Construct an executable from a .c file with the same name.

RANLIB = ranlib
#CC = gcc
CC = cc
INSTALL = /usr/sbin/install
MV = mv
RM = rm
CCFLAGS = -g -xF -R$(HOME)/lib
#CCFLAGS = -fast
#for nova use:
#CFLAGS = -fast -mr -S -xparallel -xtarget=???
#multithreading flags
# -mt
LDLIBS = -lutil -lsocket -lnsl

SUBDIRS = people_tcp_client \

help :
[TAB]@ echo "The following make targets are available"
[TAB]@ echo " help - print this message"
[TAB]@ echo " all - make everything"
[TAB]@ echo " install - install everything"
[TAB]@ echo " remove - remove everything"
[TAB]@ echo " clean - remove any temporary files"

library : $(DESTDIR)/lib/libutil.a
[TAB]cd $(SOURCE)/libutil; $(MAKE) libutil

all install remove clean : $(SUBDIRS)
[TAB]for subdir in $(SUBDIRS); do (cd $${subdir}; $(MAKE) $@1); done

all1 : $(PROGRAM)

install1 : $(PROGRAM)

remove1 :
[TAB]$(RM) -f $(DESTDIR)/bin/$(PROGRAM)

clean1 :
[TAB]$(RM) -f *.o *.out $(PROGRAM) core


S. M. Garver,Spring 1998