Friday, April 2, 2004
- In question 1, part 2, it is node with the key value 6 has to be
moved up.
Wednesday, Feb 15, 2004
- In question 2, it should be "Programs 5.14 and 5.15" not "Prgrams
5.15 and 5.16)
Wednesday, Feb 4, 2004
- Since we could not cover the sorting algorithms in the class last
time- youneed not do Problem 3 for HW2
- Problem 3 will be included in the HW3 - so if you finish early,
start thinking about it.
- Tentative date for Midterm is March 2 (will talk about it in next
Wednesday, Jan 28, 2004
- Here is the starter for the post-fix caculator, if you are still
stuck with the problem. Create the three files and then follow the
instructions below.
- I will provide more information regarding augmenting this with
the infix-to-postfix conversion.
Header File STACK.h
typedef int Item;
void STACKinit(int);
int STACKempty();
void STACKput(Item);
Item STACKpop();
Implementation File STACK.c
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "STACK.h"
static Item *s;
static int N;
void STACKinit(int maxN)
{ s = malloc(maxN*sizeof(Item)); N = 0; }
int STACKempty()
{ return N == 0; }
void STACKpush(Item item)
{ s[N++] = item; }
Item STACKpop()
{ return s[--N]; }
Client Program File CLIENT.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "STACK.h"
main(int argc, char *argv[])
{ char *a = argv[1]; int i, N = strlen(a);
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
if (a[i] == '+')
if (a[i] == '*')
if ((a[i] >= '0')
&& (a[i] <= '9'))
while ((a[i] >= '0')
&& (a[i] <= '9'))
STACKpush(10*STACKpop() + (a[i++]-'0'));
printf("%d \n", STACKpop());
You will run as follows using "gcc" or "cc":
> gcc STACK.c CLIENT.c -o calc
(the "-o calc" tells the compiler to create the executable file named
"calc" - if you omit this part, the compiler will create executable
file "a.out")
Then you can run your program as follows:
> calc "5 6 *" (answer is 30)
("5 6 *" part is needed because the input to the program is stored as a
string in argv[1])
Hope this makes things easier.
Modnay, Jan 26, 2004
- The homeworks can be submitted by Midnight, Friday, Jan 30.
- Do not hesitate to write to me if you have problems or come to
meet me (not on Truesdays though)
- In Problem 3 - you need to just to the evaluation - no need
to do the conversion. Also note that the program in book requires that
you input the post-fix expression in such as way that there is a space
after an integer (read the description properly).
Wednesday, Jan 21, 2004
- As, many of you received the textbook only recently, the
deadline for the HW1 has been extended. You should submit your
assigngments by midnight on Monday, Jan 26.
Jan 22, 2004 (Topic: HW1)
Linked List
Exercise :
Q2.40 and Q2.43 for those who do not
have a book (Q: Zhong Guo)
2.40 Solve
the recurrence C(N) - C(N/2) + N^2 for N >= 2 C(1) = 0, and N is a
power of 2 [In C(N), N is the subscript; N^2 means N to pwer 2)
2.43 Solve the recurrence C(N) -
[C(N/2)]^2 for N >= 2 C(1) = 1, and N is a power of 2 [In C(N), N is
the subscript)
Regarding what to implement (Q: Partha Ghosh)
- You will the code given in link.h and link.c in the
- You will create client.c with additional functions and the main()
- In the client.c file, you will have an include statement to
include the link.h file (as in example Program 3.13)
- You will have to compile the two files client.c and list.c
- To compile try: g++ client.c list.c
-o client
- Here, client
is the executable file.
- Please include approriate interaction feature to allow users to
enter n numbers (Note: I have not mentioned this in the HW).
- You can copy the book's code from the Sedgewick's homepage
(Link to Resources from the course page).
- Send all the program files and the solutions/answers files to the
Wednesday, Jan 14, 2004
- The HW1 has been posted.
- Some links to useful resources has been also included in the main