Reading materials related to the Lectures

Lecture 1 & 2 Related (On SDLC/Methodologies)


Guest Lecture: Privacy Threat Modeling in Social Networks

  1. Lei Jin, Hassan Takabi, Xuelian Long, James B.D. Joshi, Exploiting Users’ Inconsistent Preferences in a Social Network System to Discover Private Friendship Links, WPES'14.
  2. Lei Jin, James B.D. Joshi, Mohd Anwar, Mutual-friend Based Attacks in Social Network Systems, Computer & Security, v. 37, pp-15-30, 2013.
  3. Lei Jin, Xuelian Long, James B.D. Joshi, Towards Understanding Residential Privacy by Analyzing User' Activities in Foursquare, BADGERS'12.
  4. Lei Jin, Xuelian Long, James B.D. Joshi and Mohd Anwar, Analysis of Access Control Mechanisms for Users' Check-ins in Location-Based Social Network Systems,WICSOC 2012
  5. Lei Jin, Hassan Takabi and James B.D. Joshi, Towards Active Detection of Identity Clone Attacks on Online Social Networks, CODASPY 2011
  6. Lei Jin, Hassan Takabi and James B.D. Joshi, Security and Privacy Risks of Using E-mail Address as an Identity, PASSAT 2010

All these paper can be download from my website:

Lecture 13: Supply Chain Security:

·         NIST Special Publication 800-161: Supply Chain Risk Management Practices for Federal Information Systems and Organizations

·         News:

·         Whitehouse on SC: