Edge computing is gaining a growing popularity from industry, government to academics. Collaborative intelligence is a fundamental driving force for leverage edge resources, from large data sensing and collection to predictive data analytics on the edge. This panel consists of experts in autonomous vehicles, distributed computing, Internet of things, sensor networks, and social sensing and edge-cloud computing. The panelists will share their vision on the fundamental research challenges and killer applications for collaborative intelligence in edge computing.
Panel Moderator
Bio - Songqing Chen is currently a professor of computer science at George Mason University. His research interests mainly focus on design, analysis, and implementation of algorithms and experimental systems in the distributed and networking environment, particularly in the areas of Internet content delivery systems, Internet measurement and modeling, mobile and cloud computing, network and system security, and distributed system. Besides serving on the technical committee for various conferences, he has also served in various capacities in conference organizing committees, most recently as a TPC co-chair of CIC 2020 and the General Chair of ICDCS 2021. He is also serving on editorial boards of IEEE TPDS, ACM TOIT, IEEE IC, and IEEE IoT-J. Currently, he is also the chair of IEEE Technical Committee on the Internet (TCI). He is a senior member of ACM and IEEE.
Panelists(alphabetical by last name)
Bio Schahram Dustdar is Full Professor of Computer Science heading the Research Division of Distributed Systems at the TU Wien, Austria. He holds several honorary positions: University of California (USC) Los Angeles; University Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain; Monash University in Melbourne, Shanghai University, Macquarie University in Sydney. He is founding co-Editor-in-Chief of the new ACM Transactions on Internet of Things (ACM TIoT) as well as Editor-in-Chief of Computing (Springer). He is an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, ACM Transactions on the Web, and ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, as well as on the editorial board of IEEE Internet Computing and IEEE Computer. Dustdar is recipient of the ACM Distinguished Scientist award (2009), the IBM Faculty Award (2012), an elected member of the Academia Europaea: The Academy of Europe, where he is chairman of the Informatics Section, as well as an IEEE Fellow (2016).
Bio - Indrakshi Ray is a Professor in the Computer Science Department at Colorado State University. She is the Director of Colorado Center for Cyber Security at Colorado State University. She is also the Site Director of NSF IUCRC Center for Cyber Security Analytics and Automation. She has been a visiting faculty at Air Force Research Laboratory, Naval Research Laboratory, and at INRIA, Rocquencourt, France. Dr. Ray's research interests include security and privacy, database systems, and formal methods for software assurance. She has published over a hundred and fifty technical papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings with the support from agencies including Air Force Research Laboratory, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, National Institute of Health, National Institute of Standards and Technology, National Science Foundation, and the United States Department of Agriculture. She is on the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Computer Standards and Interfaces, and Associate Editor of IEEE Security & Privacy. She was a member of the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. She was the Program Chair of ACM SACMAT 2006, Program Co-Chair for ICISS 2013, CSS 2013, IFIP DBSec 2003, and General Chair of SACMAT 2008. She has served on the program committees of various conferences including ACM SACMAT, DBSec, EDBT, ESORICS, ICDE, and VLDB. She is a senior member of the IEEE and a senior member of the ACM.
Bio - Mani Srivastava is on the faculty at UCLA where he is associated with the ECE Department with a joint appointment in the CS Department. His research is broadly in the area of human-cyber-physical and IoT systems that are secure, privacy-aware, AI/ML-enabled, and application-driven. It spans problems across the entire spectrum of applications, architectures, algorithms, and technologies in the context of systems and applications for mHealth and sustainable buildings. He is a Fellow of both the ACM and the IEEE. More information about his research is available at his lab website and his Google Scholar profile.
Bio - For over 30 years, Dr. Tao Zhang, an IEEE Fellow, has been leading research, product development, and corporate strategies to create disruptive innovations and transform them into practical solutions, standards, and products. He is currently managing the Emerging Networking Technologies Group in the Information Technology Lab at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). He was the CTO / Chief Scientist for the Smart Connected Vehicles Business at Cisco Systems, and the Chief Scientist and the Director of multiple R&D groups working on wireless and vehicular networking at Telcordia Technologies (formerly Bellcore). He cofounded the Open Fog Consortium and the Connected Vehicle Trade Association (CVTA) and served as a founding Board Director for them. Tao holds 55 US patents and coauthored two books “Vehicle Safety Communications: Protocols, Security, and Privacy” and “IP-Based Next Generation Wireless Networks”, and 70+ peer-reviewed papers. He served as the CIO and a Board Governor of the IEEE Communications Society and as a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. He cofounded and served on leadership roles for multiple international conferences and forums.
A lack of information about the COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be costly to the decision-making of health officials, policy makers, and the general population. With the virus able to jump from one city to another very rapidly, and the possibility of a second wave, officials need to be well informed to deal with potential difficulties. The COVID -19 pandemic being a global calamity, has hampered different aspects all over the world including agriculture, education, healthcare, manufacturing, sports, and transportation. The crisis from the virus induces a data deluge, generated from contact traces, statistical data such as a number of cases, recoveries, and deaths in a region, scanned medical images, data from social media, and so on. It is highly desirable that data be managed and utilized in a secure and a privacy-preserving manner to gain crucial decision-making information about the pandemic. For example, due to COVID-19 and the enforcement of social distancing, social media platforms, such as Twitter, have seen an increase in their user base. We believe social media will be helpful to advance research related to Covid-19 and social distancing.
This panel will address the challenges and opportunities of using Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, and relevant security and privacy-protection solutions on heterogeneous data (e.g., social media and contact tracing data) to tackle the public health challenges during the current pandemic, and the post-pandemic era. In particular, the discussion will focus on the ML/AI techniques and privacy approaches that can be leveraged to assess necessary constraints and treatment procedures as well as draw inferences on the impact of the pandemic by using these ample data.
Panel Moderator
Bio - Latifur Khan is currently a full Professor (tenured) in the Computer Science department at the University of Texas at Dallas, USA where he has been teaching and conducting research since September 2000. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Southern California (USC) in August of 2000. Dr. Khan is an ACM Distinguished Scientist and received IEEE Big Data Security Senior Research Award, in May 2019, and Fellow of SIRI (Society of Information Reuse and Integration) award in Aug, 2018. He has received prestigious awards including the IEEE Technical Achievement Award for Intelligence and Security Informatics and IBM Faculty Award (research) 2016. Dr. Latifur Khan has published over 300 papers in premier journals such as VLDB, Journal of Web Semantics, IEEE TDKE, IEEE TDSC, IEEE TSMC, and AI Research and in prestigious conferences such as AAAI, IJCAI, ACM WWW, CIKM, ICDE, EMNLP, ACM GIS, IEEE ICDM, IEEE BigData, ECML/PKDD, PAKDD, ACM Multimedia, IEEE Cloud and INFOCOM. He has been invited to give keynotes and invited talks at a number of conferences hosted by IEEE and ACM. In addition, he has conducted tutorial sessions in prominent conferences such as SIGKDD 2017, 2016, IJCAI 2017, AAAI 2017, SDM 2017, PAKDD 2011 & 2012, DASFAA 2012, and ACM WWW 2005. Currently, Dr. Khan’s research area focuses on big data management and analytics, data mining and its application over cyber security, complex data management including geo-spatial data and multimedia data. His research has been supported by grants from NSF, NIH, NIST, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), DOE, NSA, IBM and HPE.
Panelists(alphabetical by last name)
Bio Sandeep Gopisetty is Director of Enterprise AI, Systems & Solutions in IBM Research as well as an IBM Distinguished Engineer and is responsible for advancing cognitive enterprises. With over 25 years of experience, he has a passion for nurturing high performance, global and multi-disciplinary teams to bring innovation from Research to the market in collaboration with product groups, services, customers, and universities. As an IBM Research Executive, Sandeep builds a shared vision across IBM organization to drive change through the novel use of technology to improve organizational transformation, performance, and profitability. His broad research portfolio has focused on enterprise-class technologies, solutions, and services in mobile, analytics, machine learning, internet of things, human computer interaction, storage and systems management, and image recognition.
Bio - James Joshi is a professor of School of Computing and Information at the University of Pittsburgh, and the director/founder of the Laboratory of Education and Research on Security Assured Information Systems (LERSAIS). He is currently serving as an NSF Program Director in the Computer and Network System (CNS) division and in the Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program. He is an elected Fellow of the Society of Information Reuse and Integration (SIRI), a Senior member of the IEEE and a Distinguished Member of the ACM. His research interests include access control models, security and privacy of distributed systems, trust management and privacy-preserving ML. He is a recipient of the NSF CAREER award in 2006. He currently serves as the steering committee chair of IEEE CIC/TPS/CogMI, and as the EIC of IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. He had also served in or is in the editorial boards of several other international journals. He has published over 140 articles as book chapters and papers in journals, conferences and workshops
Bio - Calton Pu is a professor and an Imlay Chair in Software at School of Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology. His research interests are in the areas of service computing, distributed and cloud computing, integration and veracity of big data. His current projects include cloud computing (WISE project) and big data (Big Gap project) research. Using experimental data from realistic benchmarks, the WISE project (originally the Elba project) studies the interesting phenomena such as very short bottlenecks that have significant impact (the response time long tail). Currently, the WISE project is studying performance phenomena of all sizes, long and short. The Big Gap project started from the GRAIT-DM project, collecting real world data from social sensors (e.g., Twitter and Facebook) and physical sensors (e.g., USGS GSN) to find near-real-time information on landslides worldwide. Currently, the Big Gap project is studying the gap between AI/ML classifiers created from static training data and the real-time sensor data on physical events.
Bio - Jaideep Vaidya is a Professor in the MSIS Department at Rutgers University. He received the B.E. degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Mumbai, the M.S. and Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Purdue University. His general area of research is in security, privacy, data mining, and data management. He has published over 170 technical papers in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, and has received several best paper awards from the premier conferences in data mining, databases, digital government, security, and informatics. He is an ACM Distinguished Scientist, and is the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.
One of the prominent industry trends at this point is development of self-driving technology and vehicles. Autonomous vehicles are increasingly touching our lives and society. With the current pandemic, their value in driverless transportation, contactless delivery and better safety increased manyfold. There are several key technology trends that are acting as critical drivers of enabling and realizing self-driving cars: AI/ML, Distributed and Federated Machine Learning, Perception, Adversarial Machine Learning, Edge and Cloud computing, Hardware technology for sensors, RADARs and LIDARs, Cybersecurity, Safety, AI Ethics and regulatory requirements.
In this panel, industry experts will address the following topics:
Panel Moderator
Bio - Dr. Ashish Kundu is an ACM Distinguished Member, ACM Distinguished Speaker and a worldwide leader in Security, Privacy, and Compliance. He is currently at Nuro.AI as its Head of Cybersecurity, Dr. Kundu was a Master Inventor and Research Staff Member in Security Research at IBM T J Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York. He has been working in the area of Cybersecurity, Privacy and Compliance for more than 15 years. Dr. Kundu received Ph.D. in Computer Science from Purdue University. His work has led to more than 130 patents filed with more than 100 patents granted, and more than 40 research papers. He was recognized with the prestigious CERIAS Diamond Award for his outstanding contribution to cybersecurity research during his Ph.D.
Panelists(alphabetical by last name)
Bio - Ashutosh Dutta is currently senior scientist and 5G Chief Strategist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL). He is also a JHU/APL Sabbatical Fellow and adjunct faculty at The Johns Hopkins University. Ashutosh also serves as the chair for Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of Engineering for Professional Program at Johns Hopkins University. His career, spanning more than 30 years, includes Director of Technology Security and Lead Member of Technical Staff at AT&T, CTO of Wireless for NIKSUN, Inc., Senior Scientist and Project Manager in Telcordia Research, Director of the Central Research Facility at Columbia University, adjunct faculty at NJIT, and Computer Engineer with TATA Motors. He has more than 100 conference, journal publications, and standards specifications, three book chapters, and 31 issued patents. Ashutosh is co-author of the book, titled, “Mobility Protocols and Handover Optimization: Design, Evaluation and Application” published by IEEE and John & Wiley. Ashutosh obtained his BS in Electrical Engineering from NIT Rourkela, India; MS in Computer Science from NJIT; and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University, New York under the supervision of Prof. Henning Schulzrinne. Ashutosh is a Fellow of IEEE and senior member of ACM.
As a Technical Leader in 5G and security, Ashutosh has been serving as the founding Co-Chair for the IEEE Future Networks Initiative that focuses on 5G standardization, education, publications, testbed, and roadmap activities. Ashutosh serves as IEEE Communications Society's Distinguished Lecturer for 2017-2020 and as an ACM Distinguished Speaker (2020-2022) Ashutosh has served as the general Co-Chair for the premier IEEE 5G World Forums and has organized 65 5G World Summits around the world.
Ashutosh served as the chair for IEEE Princeton / Central Jersey Section, Industry Relation Chair for Region 1 and MGA, Pre-University Coordinator for IEEE MGA and vice chair of Education Society Chapter of PCJS. He co-founded the IEEE STEM conference (ISEC) and helped to implement EPICS (Engineering Projects in Community Service) projects in several high schools. Ashutosh has served as the general Co-Chair for the IEEE STEM conference for the last 10 years. Ashutosh served as the Director of Industry Outreach for IEEE Communications Society from 2014-2019. He was recipient of the prestigious 2009 IEEE MGA Leadership award and 2010 IEEE-USA professional leadership award. Ashutosh currently serves as Member-At-Large for IEEE Communications Society for 2020-2022.
Bio - Christopher Oster is the Chief Software Architect at Lutron Electronics and is an industry recognized expert in Systems and Software Architecture methods and Model-based Design. In his current role, Mr. Oster is focused on delivering world class smart building solutions, establishing a formal software architecture foundation at the company, and establishing a burgeoning data science team. Prior to joining Lutron Electronics, Mr. Oster spent 15 years at Lockheed Martin Corporation, working in the Space Systems division where he led efforts to develop the next generation "smart" flight software and drove data processing and analytic software initiatives. Mr. Oster has spent the last 17 years developing software intensive systems ranging from large scale, exquisite space systems to smart home IoT systems and has led software teams implementing custom embedded software through large scale cloud deployments
Bio - Gautam is a VC and founder of Gist Ventures. He focuses on verticals in AI including Autonomous Vehicles. He was a VP of Marketing at MulticoreWare, a provider of software services to the Autonomous Vehicles Industry. He is also a founder of the Silicon Valley Product Management Association.
Bio - Leon Stenneth is a Fulbright Fellow with research interests in data mining, artificial intelligence, autonomous driving and location-based systems. He has published several papers on the topics of data mining, mobile/pervasive computing and artificial intelligence. He is currently a Manager and Principal of machine learning and artificial intelligence in the Advanced Engineering group at HERE Technologies. Dr. Stenneth holds more than 100 US patents, before joining HERE Technologies, he was a faculty at the University of Technology in Jamaica. Dr. Stenneth received the B.Sc. degree in Computing from University of Technology Jamaica, M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from the University of Westminster London and Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Illinois.
Bio - For over 30 years, Dr. Tao Zhang, an IEEE Fellow, has been leading research, product development, and corporate strategies to create disruptive innovations and transform them into practical solutions, standards, and products. He is currently managing the Emerging Networking Technologies Group in the Information Technology Lab at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). He was the CTO / Chief Scientist for the Smart Connected Vehicles Business at Cisco Systems, and the Chief Scientist and the Director of multiple R&D groups working on wireless and vehicular networking at Telcordia Technologies (formerly Bellcore). He cofounded the Open Fog Consortium and the Connected Vehicle Trade Association (CVTA) and served as a founding Board Director for them. Tao holds 55 US patents and coauthored two books “Vehicle Safety Communications: Protocols, Security, and Privacy” and “IP-Based Next Generation Wireless Networks”, and 70+ peer-reviewed papers. He served as the CIO and a Board Governor of the IEEE Communications Society and as a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. He cofounded and served on leadership roles for multiple international conferences and forums.