
James Joshi

Contact Info
706A, IS Building,



Office Hours

By Appointment

(Or just drop by when you see me in my office)







This Course can be used for

SAIS Track Elective OR Capstone Requirement

Systems and Technology


Wednesday; 12:00 - 2:15PM

Room IS 406



Notice for Jan 4, 2012 Class (cancelled):

Because of a project meeting I am out of town on Jan 4-5. The class will start on Jan 9th. If you have a question regarding the course please send me an email or meet me on Friday Jan 6 (hoping to be back by noon if not earlier).








Reading  Materials

(research papers, articles)





Course Description

Recent advances in ICT and emerging computing environments/paradigms have presented immense opportunities for social and global transformation. At the same time there is increasing fears of personal safety and security, and privacy violation because of the ease and plethora of ways in which information can be misused, tampered or exploited by miscreants. In this course, we will overview current and emerging topics of interest in information assurance and security. In particular, the objective of the course will be to overview/understand and critically analyze security and privacy issues/challenges, principles, tools and techniques related to current/emerging technologies/paradigms.


Tentative topics will include (not necessarily covered in the order given):

·         Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing and Social Networks (3-4 Weeks)

·         Security of Smart Grid and SCADA systems (2-3 Weeks)

·         Multimedia and Workflow Systems Security (2-3 Weeks)

·         Security of Healthcare Systems (1-2 Weeks)

·         Computer Forensics (1-2 Weeks)

·         Computer Crime, InfoWar (1-2 weeks)


Attending the LERSAIS Seminars will be required as part of the course.


Prerequisites – no pre-requisite is required but the following is preferred

  • IS 2150/TEL 2810 Introduction to Computer Security
  • IS 2170/TEL 2820 Cryptography; TEL 2821 Network Security
  • If you do not have the above background – discuss with me.

Course Material Will include


  • Research papers and articles (to be added by soon)
  • Web resources (NIST, CERT, etc.)
  • Reference books available online through Safari online (for Pitt students); Some tentative reference materials are (more will be added):
    • Securing the Smart Grid (Safari link)
    • Cloud Security (Safari Link)
    • Protecting Industrial Control Systems from Electronic Threats (Safari Link)
    • Techno Security's Guide to Securing SCADAA Comprehensive Handbook On Protecting The Critical Infrastructure  (Safari Link)



Grading (Tentative – the distribution may be changed based on class interest)

  • Assignments/Presentation/Exam: 60-70% 

·         Read/Review and/or present research papers or articles

·         Assignments

·         Participation in the class discussion

·         Seminar attendance

  • Project : 40-30%

·         Development-oriented project (e.g. Creating Secure Social Network; Secure Mobile Apps, etc.)

·         Research/Term paper for conference

·         Team oriented and in some cases in collaboration with PhD students

If you are having a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and the Office of Disability Resources and Services (DRS), 216 William Pitt Union (412-648-7890/412-383-7355) as early as possible in the term. DRS will verify your disability and determine reasonable accommodations for this course.