Papers reporting original and unpublished research results pertaining to the above and related topics are solicited. Full paper manuscripts must be in English of up to 8 pages (using the IEEE two-column template see instructions). Submissions should include the title, author(s), affiliation(s), e-mail address(es), tel/fax numbers, abstract, and postal address(es) on the first page. The online submission site is: easy chair. If web submission is not possible, please contact the program co-chairs for alternate arrangements. Papers will be selected based on their originality, timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation. Paper submission implies the intent of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper, if accepted. Best Paper Award: Starting this year, IEEE IRI will be presenting a Best Paper award. The best paper will be selected by separate committee and will be the one that reports the most novel and promising research work that has a high potential impact in the real world.
There are three different submission types. Selection of papers within
each category
will be handled independently.
[1] Submission of Regular research papers
To submit regular papers to the conference, please select "IEEE IRI 2012
(General Submissions)" in EasyChair submission site.
If you have questions regarding submission of the regular papers, please
contact one of the PC Co-Chairs
[2] Submission of Application/Gov/Industry Track
To submit your papers to application/government/industry track, please
select the "Application/Gov/Industry track" in EasyChair submission
site. If you have questions regarding this track please contact one of
the track co-chairs.
[3] Submission of special session papers
To submit your papers to a special session, please select the the
special session name in EasyChair submission site. The following are the
special sessions being organized in IRI2012:
- Robotics
- Education
- Bio-medicine
- Power and Energy
- Health Informatics
Each special session's papers will be selected independently. If you have questions regarding special sessions, please contact: Dr. Gordon Lee at:
Camara Ready Submission Instructions
Please submit the camera-ready version of your accepted paper using the PROCEEDINGS under the easychair system: on or before the deadline date June 1, May 14, 2012.
Also submit your Electronic Copyright form and complete the registration process to guarantee your paper will be included in the proceedings.
At least one author must register and attend the conference to present the paper.
Authors who fail to attend and present their papers will immediately exclude their papers from further consideration for inclusion in the planned journal special issues.
The copyright form can be found below. Please note that you will need the EasyChair submission number for the eCopyright Form.
Templates and Instructions
- Formatting Instructions: download
- Word Formatting Template: download
- Latex template and style files: download
- Copyright form: download
- Electronic copyright form: click here
- Call for papers
- Important dates
- Organizing committee
- Program committee
- Keynotes
- Panels
- Call for Workshops
- Workshops
-DIM Workshop
-WICSOC Workshop
-EMRITE Workshop
-IRI-HI Workshop - Special Issues
- Special Sessions
- Paper submission instructions
- Registration
- Visa Instructions
- Conference Program
- Conference hotel
- IRI-2011 Photos

Society for Information Reuse and Integration (SIRI)