Conference hotel
The hotel of the conference is Sofitel Hotel. Redwood city
223 Twin Dolphin Drive
Hotel contact information
To reserve hotel please follow these instructions.
- Call Hotel line: 650-598-9000; ask to be transferred to the reservations department
- To receive the contracted rate, make sure you inform the reservation agent that you are a part of the: IEEE IRI Conference
- Reservation hours are:
Monday- Friday: 7am - 7pm(PST)
Saturday: 8:00am - 4:30pm(PST) - Rate per night: $139 + taxes, cut-off data: July 29th
- Sofitel provides free shuttle to and from San Francisco International airport: more details
- Call for papers
- Important dates
- Organizing committee
- Program committee
- Keynotes
- Panels
- Special Sessions
- Special Issues
- Call for Workshops
- Workshops
- IRI-HI Workshop
- FMi Workshop
- DIM Workshop
- WICSOC (cancelled)
- EMRITE Workshop
- Paper submission instructions
- Camara ready
- Registration
- Visa Instructions
- Conference Program
- Conference hotel
- IRI-2012 Photos

Society for Information Reuse and Integration (SIRI)