Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
July 28-30, 2016
Final Paper Preparation and Submission Instructions: IEEE IRI 2016 Author Kit
Camera-ready version of the accepted papers must be submitted using the IEEE IRI 2016 Author Kit. Please carefully follow all the steps provided in the Author Kit page to prepare and submit your paper. Please pay special attention to the page limits and formatting instructions. You must submit the copyright release form by completing Step 7 of the Author Kit.
The deadline to submit the camera-ready (and the copyright form) is June 21, 2016.
In case you experience any difficulty or have questions about your final submission, please contact our Proceedings Editor, Randy Bilof (rbilof at and CC Publication Chair, Amir Masoumzadeh(amasoumzadeh at .
The 4th IEEE International Workshop on Formal Methods Integration (FMi 2016)
The 5th IEEE International Workshop on Empirical Methods for Recognizing Inference in TExt (EM-RITE 2016)
Information Reuse and Integration in Health Informatics (IRI-HI 2016)
The 5th IEEE International Workshop on Data Integration and Mining (DIM 2016)
The 3rd International Workshop on Information Integration in Cyber Physical Systems (IICPS 2016)