In this lab, a series of labs are designed to help you develop a healthcare related
application with step by step instructions.
The mobile application is a patient-centric healthcare record with integration of
techniques such as secure outsourcing framework, cloud-based storage service,
proximity based access control, machine learning service, etc.
Lab Project 1: Secure Mobile Application Development
The goal of this project is to learn the basic skills for developing a secure mobile
This project will involve the following tasks.
Build a basic health app in mobile platform
Implement basic security features such as registration, authentication,
authentication reset, etc.
Lab Project 2: Integration with the Google Cloud Service
The goal of this project is to learn the basic skills for developing a secure mobile
This project will involve the following tasks.
Secure the outsourced medical record: (1) learn to use common widgets of the
(2) Learn to use cloud key management service provided by Google Cloud;
(3) Secure the medical record before outsourcing to the Firebase cloud
Learn to use nearby service as the proximity -based access control approach
In this lab, you will gain understanding about multiple types of anonymization
and their tradeoffs. Additionaly, you will learn to anonymize a dataset using
k-anonymity and
The goal of this lab project is to illustrate the motivation of differential privacy
technique in the healthcare domain and introduce two types of approaches for
practical differential privacy: generic mechanisms for differential privacy and
sensitivity sampling for random differential privacy.
The objective of the exercises presented here is to familiarize the students with
the role
based access control features available in OpenMRS, which is an open source EHR
In this lab, you will develop an advanced crypto system that supports
attribute-based access control to protect the users’ sensitive EHR data and provide
access control features.
In this lab, you will do exercise about issues of Incident Response (IR), Disaster
Recovery (DR),
and Business Continuity (BC) planning in healthcare domain.
In this lab exercise, you will learn how to extract policy patterns
from HIPPA
regulations and policies in health care systems, and then formulate a generic policy
specification scheme to accommodate those identified patterns
In this lab, you will familiarize with risk assessment in a healthcare organization,
in particular one that has adopted a cloud system and with risk management features
available in SimpleRisk,
which is an open source risk management system.
Machine Learning in Healthcare - ABAC Policy Extraction
With the rapid advances in computing and information technologies, traditional
access control models have become inadequate in terms of capturing fine-grained,
expressive security requirements of newly emerging applications. An attribute-based
access control (ABAC) model provides a more flexible approach for addressing access
control needs of complex and dynamic systems. While organizations are interested in
employing such newer access control approaches, the challenge of migrating to such
AC approaches pose as a significant obstacle.
In this lab, the students will learn how to automatically extract ABAC policy rules
from access logs of the system. The students will employ an unsupervised
learning-based algorithm for detecting patterns in access logs and extracting ABAC
authorization rules from these patterns.
Decentralized Application using Smart Contracts and IPFS: Healthcare
The goal of this lab is to illustrate how to manage personal healthcare records
using the decentralized application that are related on Ethereum smart contract and
In this lab, given a decentralized application demo, you will learn the following
1) The overview and usage of IPFS; 2) The principle/usage/development of Ethereum
smart contract; 3) The combination of IPFS and smart contract to manage the
healthcare records
Access Control and Security Issues in Smart Contracts: Healthcare
The goal of this lab is to illustrate how to manage access control and security
issues of using Ethereum smart contract in healthcare scenarios.
In this lab, you will learn the following objects:
1) The access control in smart contracts; 2) The common security issues in smart
contracts and their countermeasures
Imagine a situation where we manage a sensitive database and wish to share some
statistical insights with the public. Our main objective is to ensure that, even
with unlimited computational resources and time, an adversary cannot
reverse-engineer the original sensitive data from the released statistics.