Why Students Plagiarize?


Cultural impacts:


As explained from the case studies above, different cultures view the world in different ways. Different value systems combined with different ways of teaching, learning and communicating vary. When international students enter western academic institutions they bring with them their own cultures. This inter-mingling of cultures poses a problem in educational institutions since students have different concepts of plagiarism in their vision.


 Culture shock/Social impact:


What can also be inferred from the case studies discussed above, when international students arrive at western educational institutions they often experience significant culture shock. Students have to rapidly adapt to their new surroundings in order to cope with living in a different cultural environment. They also have to adapt to unfamiliar ways of academic learning and assessment if they are going to succeed by western academic standards. In a recent study Bamford et al (2002) interviewed over 100 post-graduate international students to see whether their experiences of studying in the UK matched their expectations before they came to study in London. Results showed that the issue of cultural difference and cultural ‘shock’ experienced by international students was directly relational to their success or otherwise academically. The level of support students felt from their institution and peers was influential in allowing students to adjust to the new academic environment.


Different analysis and style of writing:


Many students studying in the west come from cultures where learning styles are vastly different from western educational practices. The way students write is deduced from their cultural backgrounds. For example, English students write with a linear progression of ideas while oriental students’ writing is of a spiral nature. These differences in learning and writing styles can lead to difficulties for international students studying in western environments.


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