SIRI is behind the IEEE IRI Conference that is gaining prominences over last 17 years.
SIRI Fellowships and SIRI Awards recognize SIRI community members with outstanding achievements and contributions.
The IEEE IRI conference provides a forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss deep research questions while engaging in lively socials. Browse gallery
To bring together a group of high-quality academics, researchers, or practitioners ...
The Society for Information Reuse and Integration (SIRI) is bound together by their common interest ...
SIRI will serve to steer the IRI conference in all matters pertaining to topical content, keynote speakers ...
To bring together a group of high-quality academics, researchers, and/or practitioners for the express purpose of furthering the discovery, invention, and development of methodologies, algorithms, and technologies for scientific, business, and in all cases, intelligent computing.
SIRI differs from other societies having a stated focus on artificial and computational intelligence; databases; knowledge management; CBR; EP; SOAs; software and hardware reuse; system of systems; space and healthcare systems; multimedia; homeland security; the semantic web; cloud, parallel, and distributed computing; and the like in that it emphasizes both theory and application; it respects and publishes quality work as defined by a scope that will never restrict the stated purpose or emphasis; and, it will seek, insofar as practical, to support the spirit and unbiased evaluation of the work of its membership. Moreover, SIRI respects concept papers that provide cogent justification for new directions in relevant R&D. The most important and, more often than not, difficult problem to be solved is that of knowing what to work on in the first place. SIRI respects and encourages such “position papers” when tempered by eminently practical considerations.
The Society for Information Reuse and Integration (SIRI) is bound together by their common interest in advancing techniques for data analysis and knowledge acquisition, which emphasize randomization, reuse, and integration, among related methodologies of interest. The overarching motivation here is to reduce cost and serve as a metric for increased capability of so-defined systems, broadly defined.
SIRI will serve to steer the IRI conference in all matters pertaining to topical content, selection of keynote speakers, awards, and promotions. It will also serve to communicate and transmit directions to the general and program chairs, which includes, but is not limited to, issues pertaining to the organization of the IRI conferences in consultation with the sponsoring organization. The SIRI will hold its Board of Governors (BoG) meeting not less often than once per calendar year (usually co-located with the annual conference). The BoG will consist of a president, a vice-president, from three to six members at large, and a secretary. There will (initially) be no treasurer to streamline the reporting process. The BoG is principally charged with steering the IRI conference, awards, and membership evaluations, among other miscellaneous duties. Except for the secretary, members of the BoG will serve at least a one-year term and be elected each year at the annual conference meeting. In the event that the SIRI vice-president becomes unable to serve, or one or more seats on the BoG cannot be filled by election, or should it become necessary to appoint any replacement during the year, the SIRI president may fill such seats by appointment, or otherwise make such temporary modifications to this charter as deemed proper and necessary to satisfy the mission as stated herein. The SIRI vice-president will temporarily assume all duties of the SIRI president should the latter become unable to serve for any reason.