Academics / Special Scholarships and Fellowships |
The Library and Information
Science Program awards special scholarships as available.
The LIS Financial Aid
Committee makes recommendations for selection and/or selects
recipients. Applications for scholarships and fellowships
and the Financial Aid Application are sent as part of the
MLIS Application/Admissions Packet. Applications for these
scholarships are also available for
downloading (Adobe Acrobat pdf files) following the respective
scholarship description(s) below.
* Please note that the majority of these scholarships
and fellowships are awarded to students starting in the
Fall Term. Applications for scholarships and fellowships
will be considered upon admission into the MLIS program.
You may apply for one or more of these
scholarships, but only ONE award will be made to any ONE
individual. The Financial Aid Committee reserves the right
to request an interview and to withhold an award if there
are no suitable applicants.
Joan Brest Friedberg Scholarship |
Dr. Joan Brest Friedberg co-founded the "Beginning
with Books" program in 1984. "Beginning
with Books" was
created as an early literacy intervention project, to bring
reading and literature to the attention of children and
families and to foster in them a life-long love of reading.
Dr. Friedberg
is an alumna of the University of Pittsburgh.
This award
provides a tuition scholarship which covers 3 courses
(9 credits) for a part-time Pennsylvania resident in the
program who is interested in pursuing a career in public
Margaret Hodges Scholarship |
Margaret Hodges, a former member of the staff of the
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, is a Professor Emeritus
of the Department
of Library and Information Science, where she taught literature
for children and young adults and storytelling. She was
honored with a University Bicentennial medallion for service,
she is the author of many books for children, including
St George and the Dragon, awarded the Caldecott Medal for
illustrations. In 1989, a scholarship was established in
her name and was first awarded in Fall 1990.A tuition scholarship
is awarded and may be held in conjunction with a Graduate
Student Assistantship.
To be eligible, a student must
demonstrate high academic achievement and a desire to
work with children
in a public library. The scholarship amount is currently
E. J. Josey Endowment Scholarship for Minorities |
Dr. E. J. Josey is a Professor Emeritus in the Department
of Library and Information Science, where he taught courses
in Academic Librarianship and Libraries in Society. This
scholarship has been established to honor his lifelong work
on behalf of minorities in librarianship, especially his
fight to eradicate racial discrimination from library facilities
and to provide equal opportunities for minority librarians.
This scholarship is awarded annually to an enrolled African
American graduate student in the Department who demonstrates
potential for academic excellence and leadership in the
profession and may be held in conjunction with a Graduate
Student Assistantship.
The scholarship amount is currently $2000. DOWNLOAD THE APPLICATION:
Elva S. Smith Scholarship |
Elva S. Smith was Professor of children's services at the
Carnegie Library School from 1904-1930. The scholarship named
in her honor provides full tuition for a student entering
the MLIS program and carries no work requirement.
To be eligible,
the student must demonstrate high academic achievement
and professional potential for a career working with children
in a public library. DOWNLOAD THE APPLICATION:
Frank B. and Ann J. Sessa Scholarship |
Dr. Frank B. Sessa, a graduate of the Carnegie Institute
of Technology and former Acting Dean of the School, was named
Professor Emeritus when he retired. He served as director
of the Miami Public Library before accepting the responsibility
for developing the doctoral program at the School. Ann J.
Sessa, his wife, is a graduate of the Carnegie Institute
of Technology. In 1989, a scholarship was endowed to honor
the Sessas and was first awarded in Fall 1990. Mrs. Sessa,
her three daughters, and their families are major donors
to this scholarship.
To be eligible, a student must be CURRENTLY
enrolled in the MLIS program, demonstrate high academic
achievement, and have an interest in working in a public
library. The
scholarship amount is currently $1000 in tuition remission
and may be held in conjunction with a Graduate Student
Assistantship. |
| webmaster
For more information
about the Library and Information Science Program,
please call 412.624.9420 or e-mail Debbie Day
School of Information
Sciences, University of Pittsburgh,
135 North Bellefield Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Tel: 412.624.3988 | Fax: 412.624.5231
For information about Admissions & Financial Aid, please
Shabana Reza at 800.672.9435
Information Science & Technology Email: isinq@sis.pitt.edu
Telecommunications Email: teleinq@sis.pitt.edu
Library & Information Science Email: lisinq@sis.pitt.edu