More than a dozen federal agencies fund fellowship and
traineeship programs. These include the National Institutes
of Health, the National Science Foundation, the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, the U.S. Office of
Naval Research, the U.S. Information Agency, and the U.S.
Departments of Agriculture, Education, and Energy. The
amounts and types of assistance vary considerably
Federal Pell Grants
This federal grant program is designed to provide assistance
to full- or part-time undergraduate students. Students
and their families must meet certain financial criteria
to qualify. Application is made by filing the Free Application
for Federal Student Aid which may be obtained from high
school guidance offices and college financial aid offices.
Current awards range from approximately $400 to $3,000
a year. Actual awards vary from year to year based on
current legislation and student's enrollment status.
No repayment.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG)
Undergraduate students who are eligible for a Pell Grant
and have exceptional needs are eligible. These grants
provide a source of assistance for limited income families.
Application is made by filing the Free Application for
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) which can be obtained from
high school guidance offices and college financial aid
offices. Grants range from $100 to $4,000 per year. No
Federal Work Study/America Reads Program
This program provides jobs for full- or part-time students
in financial need. Summer employment is also available.
Application is made by filing the Free Application for
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) which can be obtained from
high school guidance offices and college financial aid
offices. Students can earn $6.00 per hour and above.
Average earnings during the academic year range from
$1,500 - $3,000. No repayment.
Federal Perkins Loan
Full-time and part-time students in need may be eligible
to borrow for their undergraduate and/or graduate studies.
If funding permits, part-time students may be considered.
Application is made by filing the Free Application for
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) which may be obtained from
high school guidance offices and college financial aid
offices. Undergraduate students may borrow up to $15,000
for their studies. Annual amounts are determined by the
C.W. Post Financial Assistance Office. The total amount
for both undergraduate and graduate studies is $30,000.
Repayment begins six months after graduation or when
a student stops attending school at least half time (6
credits per semester) at five percent interest. The loan
has a special cancellation provision for students employed
in specific service jobs.
Federal William T. Ford Direct Loans
These subsidized and unsubsidized loans are available to
full- and part-time matriculated students making satisfactory
academic progress. Eligibility for these loans is determined
by the C.W. Post Financial Assistance Office. The subsidized
loan is based on financial need. The unsubsidized loan
is not based on need. Application is made each year by
filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
and a Direct Loan application which will be sent to the
student's home for completion. New students must attend
an entrance interview session before the loan proceeds
will be disbursed to your Bursar account. Eligible students
may borrow up to the following annual loan limits. Aggregate
Limits: Total undergraduate: $23,000 for a dependent
undergraduate, $46,000 for an independent undergraduate
(and certain dependent students). Total undergraduate
and graduate combined: $138,500. Loan proceeds are disbursed
twice during the year and made co-payable to the student
and college. Borrowers are charged an origination fee
which is deducted from the loan proceeds. Repayment begins
six months after the student ceases half-time enrollment
(6 credits per semester) and may extend up to 10 years.
Loans have a variable interest rate and are adjusted
each year on July 1 with a cap of 8.25 percent. There
is no interest accrual while the student is in college
half-time for subsidized loans. Repayment of interest
is required for unsubsidized loans while the student
is in school or the interest may be capitalized.
Federal William T. Ford Direct Parent Loan Program (PLUS)
Parents of dependent matriculated students enrolled at
least half-time may participate. Students must maintain
satisfactory academic progress. Direct PLUS applications
are generated by the C.W. Post Financial Assistance Office
before forwarding to the parent for completion. Loan
proceeds are made co-payable to the parent and the school
and are disbursed to the school. Loans may not exceed
the cost of attendance less financial aid.
Parents who have no adverse credit history as determined
by the
federal loan service may be eligible. The loan interest
rate is variable and is adjusted each year on July 1 with
a cap of nine percent. There is no aggregate loan limit.
Borrowers are charged an origination fee and insurance
fee which are deducted from the loan proceeds before disbursement.
Repayment of PLUS loans begins 60 days after the loan is
disbursed and may take up to 10 years to repay.
Lifetime Learning Tax Credit
Allows college students or their families to claim up to
20 percent of qualified out-of-pocket tuition expenditures
per year. The Lifetime Learning credit, which may be
claimed for an unlimited number of years for both undergraduate
and graduate study, allows qualified taxpayers to claim
a tax credit equal to 20 percent of the first $5,000
spent on tuition and fees through the year 2002, and
50 percent of the first $10,000 spent on tuition and
fees thereafter. The Lifetime Learning credit is available
to taxpayers with a gross income of up to $50,000 (and
up to $100,000 for joint filers). The credit is phased
out on a sliding scale for taxpayers earning $40,000
and above (and $80,000 and above for joint filers).
National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Fellowships
The fellowships are three-year awards made to individuals
who have demonstrated special aptitude for advanced training
in the sciences and engineering. The fellowships are
awarded for full-time study or work leading to masters'
or doctoral degrees in the mathematical physical, medical,
biological, engineering, and social sciences, and in
the history and philosophy of science.
The NSF Graduate
Fellowship Program is open only to applicants who are
citizens or nationals of the U.S. at the time of
application. The three-year awards are intended for students
at or near the beginning of graduate study. The second
and third years of the award are contingent upon satisfactory
progress and availability of funds. Fellowship stipends
are $11,000 for 12 months' tenure, plus a cost-of-education
allowance not to exceed $6,000. Evaluation of applicants
is based on all available evidence of ability, including
academic records, recommendations of the applicant's
qualifications, and GRE scores. Application materials may
be obtained from:
National Science Foundation Fellowship Office
2101 Constitution Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20418
Graduate School, The University of Alabama,
102 Rose Administration Building, Box 870119
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0118
Application deadline is the second week of November.
For more information contact :
Fellowship Office, National Research Council
2101 Constitution Ave.,
Washington, D.C. 20418
(202) 334-2872.
Jacob Javits Fellowship Program
A grant program for students in the arts, humanities, and
social sciences. Graduate students need to apply directly
to the U.S.
Department of Education. Application requests should be
addressed to:
Director, Jacob Javits Fellowship Program
U.S. Department of Education, Mail Stop 3327
400 Maryland Ave. SW
ROB-3, Washington, D.C. 20202
(202) 732-4415.
Application deadline is in February.
G.I. Bill
This has been replaced by a series of programs. Veterans
may use their educational benefits for training at the
graduate and professional level and should contact their
regional Veterans Administration.
ARL Initiative to Recruit a Diverse Workforce
The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Initiative to Recruit a Diverse Workforce
has been awarded a three-year grant through the Institute of Museum and Library
Services (IMLS) Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program. These additional
funds will allow ARL to address the growing need for specialized librarians
to help users who create and need access to digital resources and scientific
data. The primary goal of the project is to educate, develop, and hire new
librarians from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups; specifically,
those with a background in applied and natural sciences and information technology.
Forty-five graduate students will receive stipends, mentoring, and leadership
development experiences to launch their careers in an ARL library.
For more information about the ARL Initiative to Recruit
a Diverse Workforce, contact Jerome Offord Jr., Director
of Diversity Initiatives, at
Law Libraries Scholarships
Award of $1,000 or more to attend an ALA-accredited master's
degree program. Awarded to Law School and Library and Information
Science students. Contact:
American Association of Law
53 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 940
Chicago, Illinois 60604
(312) 939-4764.
Scholarships include:
- AALL Scholarship for Law School Graduates and other
- AALL George A. Strait Minority Stipend
Florida Association
for Media in Education Scholarship "FAME" Scholarship
Awarded by the Association to a student specializing
in the school media program. The scholarship provides
a stipend of $1,000 per term. The application deadline
is April 1 of each year. Application forms are available
Chair, Scholarship Committee, F.A.M.E., Inc.,
P.O. Box 13119
Tallahassee, FL 32308.
The Florida Library Association Scholarship Program
To support the education of librarians for Florida
libraries, scholarships will be granted for graduate
study leading
to a master's degree from an accredited Florida university
program in library and information science. The amount
of the award varies annually. The applicant must: be
a resident of Florida according to university regulations;
have some experience (paid or volunteer) in a Florida
library; be admitted to the FSU or USF master's degree
program in library/information science; and have a
commitment to work in a Florida library a minimum of
one year after
graduation (a scholarship recipient who fails to fulfill
this commitment will be required to repay the money
received). Demonstrated financial need, professional
and scholarship constitute selection criteria. To obtain
applications or additional information, contact:
Scholarship Committee, Florida Library Association
1133 W. Morse Blvd., Suite 201
Winter Park, FL 32780-3788.
Caroline M. Hewins Scholarship
Awarded to students who plan to specialize in library
work with children. The Fund is administered by the
Hartford Public Library as trustee, and current income
permits an annual scholarship of $4,000.00. To apply,
or for additional information, contact:
M. Hewins Scholarship
c/o Chief Librarian
Hartford Public Library
500 Main Street
Hartford, CT 06103.
Alabama Public Library Service Grants
The Alabama Public Library Service awards one full-time
and several part-time professional training grants.
A full-time grant is available to an Alabama resident
willing to work two years in an Alabama public library
upon completion of the degree. Part-time grants are
offered to current employees of Alabama public libraries
or APLS for each three-hour semester or five-hour quarter
course. For further information and application, contact:
Professional Training Grant Program,
ATTN: Fred D. Neighbors, Assistant Director
Alabama Public Library Service
6030 Monticello Drive,
Montgomery, AL 36130
1-205-277-7330; 1-800-392-5671 (In Alabama).
Sheila Suen Lai Scholarship of Library and Information
for Students of Chinese Heritage
Awarded annually by the Chinese-American Librarians Association
in the amount of $500.00 to a student enrolled in an
ALA accredited library school as a full time student.
For application forms, guidelines and procedures, please
write to:
Cecilia Chen, Chair,
CALA Scholarship Committee, California State University,
Domingues Hills, University Library
800 E. Victoria Street
Carson, CA 90747.
Charlemae Hill Rollins Scholarship
$500 cash award. Awarded to a black student who has been
accepted for admission in a library school offering
an ALA accredited program toward a master's degree
in library science. The student may be a newly accepted
student, who will start library school in the Summer
or Fall, or a currently enrolled student. The student
currently attending library school cannot have completed
more than 12 semester hours (or its equivalent) toward
a master's degree in library science by January 1,
2001. Must be a legal resident of the Chicago Metropolitan
Area. The student is NOT restricted to using the award
for tuition. The deadline for returning applications
and recommendations forms is March 1, 2001. Applications
and recommendation forms may be obtained from:
Sandra B. Mohammad, Chairperson
Charlemae Hill Rollins Scholarship Committee
Chicago Chapter: National Black Caucus of Librarians
5528 S. Hyde Park Blvd. Apt. 702
Chicago, IL 60637.
AJL, Dr. May K. Simon Memorial Scholarship Award
Awarded by the Association of Jewish Libraries to a student
attending or planning to attend a graduate school of
Library and Information Science. Prospective candidates
should have an interest in, and demonstrate a potential
for, pursuing a career in Judaica Librarianship. Applicants
must provide documentation showing completion of courses
in Judaic studies at an academic level. For application
form and additional information, contact:
Sharona R.
Wachs, Co-Chair
ALJ Dr. May K. Simon Memorial Scholarship Award
1000 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12203-1927.
Hubbard Scholarship
Awarded by the Georgia Library Association to a student
who is either completing the senior year in an accredited
college or university or be a graduate of such an institution,
and who has been accepted as a student in a degree
program accredited by the American Library Association.
The student must be ready to begin the program of study
not later than the Fall term of the year in which the
scholarship is awarded, and must indicate an intention
to complete the degree requirements within two years.
The student must also agree to work for one year following
graduation from library school in a library or library-related
capacity in Georgia or agree to pay back a prorated
amount of the award plus interest. Repayment must be
made within a two-year period. For additional information
and application forms:
Ms. Betty Shewfelt,GLA Scholarship
Committee Chair
Wesleyan College
4760 Forsyth Road
Macon, GA 31297.
E.J. Josey Scholarship Award
Awarded by the Black Caucus of the American Library Association
in the amount of $1,500 to a graduate student in an
ALA accredited Library and Information Science program
in the United Sates or Canada. Persons wishing to apply
must: be an African American Citizen of the United
States or Canada; be enrolled in a graduate program
leading to a degree in library and information science
at the time of application; and submit an essay of
1,000 - 1,200 words discussing "Educating African
American Librarians for the 21st century. " Each
essay should be accompanied by a cover letter providing
the applicant's name, address, phone number, graduate
program, and name of school and anticipated date of
graduation. For more information, contact:
E.J. Josey
Scholarship Committee
Attn. Dr. Ismail Abdullahi,
Clark Atlanta University
School of Library and Information Studies
James P. Brawley Dr. at Fair Street, SW
Atlanta, GA 30314.
Mayo Drake Scholarship
Enables eligible students to attend the Annual Meeting
of the South Central Chapter of the Medical Library
Association. It is awarded to library science students
who are contemplating careers in health science librarianship.
Applicants must be residents of or attending (or accepted
by) a graduate school in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico,
Oklahoma or Texas. For application forms or more information,
Mr. David Duggar
LSU Medical Center Library
LSU Medical Center - Shreveport
P.O. Box 33932
Shreveport, LA 71130-3932
(318) 675-5472
REFORMA Scholarship Program
The purpose of this program is to enable more bilingual/multi-cultural
students to pursue a career in library and information
science. REFORMA invites any current or newly entering
graduate library school student (MLS or PhD) to apply
for its scholarships. Since 1971, REFORMA has supported
the active recruitment of bilingual and bicultural
librarians to meet the increasing needs of the Spanish-speaking
community. The purpose of the scholarship is to provide
financial assistance to encourage and enable Spanish-speakers
to pursue or advance a career in library and information
science. REFORMA has established a scholarship to be
awarded annually for the academic year, commencing
in the Fall. The number of scholarships awarded varies
from year to year. Applicants must show evidence of
commitment to a career in librarianship and the potential
for high academic standing. Applicants should demonstrate
an understanding of and desire to serve the Spanish-speaking
The recipients must display character and leadership,
which are essential for success both as a student and
as a professional. Before scholarship funds are disbursed,
recipient must be enrolled in an accredited library school.
For additional information or application forms, contact:
Mr. Orlando Archibeque
Auraria Library
Lawrence at 11th
Denver, CO 80204-2096
FAX: 303-556-3528.
The Mary Elizabeth Wood Foundation Scholarship
Mary Elizabeth Wood (1862-1931) was an American professional
librarian from Boston, who went to teach at the Boone
College in Wuchang, China in the 1920s, and who later
founded the Boone Library School in that city, the
first library school in China. The Scholarship she
established, is awarded annually to library and information
science students from mainland China and Taiwan. Applicants
must be citizens of the People's Republic of China
or the Republic of China who are currently enrolled
as fulltime students in the MLS or Ph.D. programs at
an ALA-accredited library school in the United States,
and who must be willing to return to their home countries
after completing their studies. Students who have completed
their first year of study or who are engaged in dissertation
writing will be given first consideration. A letter
of application, in lieu of an application form, should
be accompanied by a resume, an official transcript
from the applicant's school, a letter from the school
certifying the applicant's full-time status, and two
letters of recommendation from the faculty who are
most familiar with the applicant's current school work.
All application materials should be sent to:
W. Wu, Librarian
Harvard-Yenching Library
Harvard University
2 Divinity Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138.
New Jersey Library Association Scholarships
Awarded for the academic year 1999-2000. These scholarships
are offered for study leading to a graduate or post
graduate degree in librarianship. Awards are made on
an evaluation of credentials and personal interviews
with candidates. All awards are to be used for an ALA-accredited
graduate library education program. Applicants must
be legal residents of New Jersey at the time of application.
For requirements, information, and an application see
New Jersey
Library Association Web Site.
Virginia Library Association Annual Library School Scholarships
Awarded to MLS candidates entering library school for
the first time, or to MLS candidates currently enrolled
in a library school program. Applicants must currently
be a legal resident of Virginia, with a minimum residence
of two years; must hold an undergraduate degree; and
must have been accepted by an American Library Association
accredited library school, or have a pending application
for admission. Major factors to be considered in making
the awards are: evidence of a commitment to a career
in librarianship in Virginia; financial need; leadership
qualities; academic excellence; and, membership in
the Virginia Library Association. For additional information
and application forms, contact:
Ms. Deborah M. Trocchi,
Virginia Library Association
Special Libraries Association Scholarship Program
This program consists of awards for graduate study leading
to a master's degree, graduate study leading to a PhD,
and for post-MLS study.
- The SLA Scholarship will be granted only for graduate
study in librarianship leading to a master's degree
at a recognized school of library and information science.
Applicants must be college graduates or college seniors
with an interest in special librarianship.
- The Institute
for Scientific Information (ISI) Scholarship will be granted only for beginning graduate study
leading to a Ph.D. from a recognized program in library
information science or related fields of study. Applicants
must be members of the Special Libraries Association
and have worked in a special library. Because ISI
awards medical librarianship scholarships through the
Library Association, persons planning careers in
medical librarianship cannot be considered.
- The Mary
Adeline Connor Professional Development Scholarship will be granted for post-MLS certificate
or degree programs
in any subject area, technological skill, or managerial
expertise relevant to applicant's career needs
and goals in special librarianship. Applicants must
of the Special Libraries Association who have the
MLS degree and have worked in special libraries
at least
five years. Applicants must be accepted into a
certificate or degree program offered by an accredited
or university, or by a professional association
or society.
Preference will be given to study program proposals
to be completed within two years from the date
of the award.
- Affirmative Action Scholarship
For additional information and application procedures
on any of the scholarships outlined above contact:
Libraries Association
1700 Eighteenth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20009
Medical Library Association Awards
The Medical Library Association Scholarship is a $2,000
scholarship is awarded annually by the Medical Library
Association to a student who shows excellence in scholarship
and potential for accomplishment in health sciences
librarianship. The applicant must be entering an ALA-accredited
graduate library school or, at the time of the granting
of the scholarship, have completed no more than one-half
of the academic requirements of the graduate program.
A past recipient of the MLA Scholarship or the MLA
Scholarship for Minority Students is ineligible.
The Medical Library Association Scholarship for Minority
Students is awarded annually to a minority student showing
academic excellence and potential for accomplishment
in health sciences librarianship. The scholarship is
open to an applicant entering and ALA-accredited graduate
library school, or one who has at least one-half of his/her
academic requirements to complete during the year following
the granting of the scholarship. Current part-time students
with at least half their academic requirements still
necessary to complete may be eligible.
The purpose of the Medical Library Association Continuing
Education Grants is to provide members with the opportunity
to increase their competence in the theoretical, administrative,
or technical aspects of librarianship, thereby enhancing
the availability, usefulness, and quality of information
services. The applicant must hold a graduate degree in
library science, and be a practicing health science librarian
with at least two years of professional experience. The
applicant must also be a regular member of the Medical
Library Association. In exceptional cases, consideration
will be given to an outstanding candidate not meeting
the eligibility requirements outlined above.
The purpose of the Medical Library Association Research,
Development and Demonstration Project Grants is to provide
members with the opportunity to promote excellence in
the field of health sciences librarianship and the information
sciences. The MLA provides modest support for research,
development, and demonstration projects.
Grants will not be given to support an activity that
is operational in nature or has only local usefulness.
The applicant must hold a degree in library science.
The applicant must be a practicing health science librarian
with at least two years of professional experience and
be an individual member of the Medical Library Association.
The Medical Library Association Doctoral Fellowship,
Sponsored by the Institute for Scientific Information,
is designed to foster and encourage superior students
to conduct doctoral work in health sciences librarianship
or information science by providing support to individuals
who have been admitted to candidacy. The MLA Doctoral
Fellowship will support research or travel applicable
to the completion of a doctoral project in an area of
health sciences librarianship or information science.
The applicant must be a graduate of an ALA-accredited
school of library science. The candidate must be a candidate
in a Ph.D. program with emphasis on biomedical and health-related
information science. Preference will be given to applicants
who have at least 80 percent of their coursework completed
and an approved dissertation prospectus.
For additional information and application forms regarding
any/or all of the above, contact:
Professional Development
Medical Library Association
Suite 300, Six North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60602
(312) 419-9094.
American Library Association
The ALA offers the following scholarships for master's-level
study in library and information science. Also, a flyer
listing scholarships offered by ALA and its divisions
is available free from the Office for Library Personnel
Resources ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611.
A comprehensive directory of awards, Financial Assistance
for Library
and Information Studies, is available for $1.00 from
the ALA office listed above. It includes awards from
academic institutions
as well as state library agencies and national and state
library associations. The following offer awards of $1,000
or more to attend an ALA-accredited master's degree program.
Also see the American Library
Association Web Site. Scholarship
Information is available under the "Education" Section.
EBSCO/New Members Round Table Scholarship
$1,000 award. For information, write to
Chair, NMRT Scholarship
University of Houston, University Libraries
Houston, Texas 77204-2091.
The New Members Round Table
of the American Library Association offers this scholarship
made possible
through the generous
support of the EBSCO Subscription Services. To be
eligible for the award, applicants must be planning their
year of study in an institution offering an ALA-accredited
master's degree. In addition, applicants must be
a U.S. or Canadian citizen and must be a joint member
of ALA
and ALA/NMRT or must join ALA and ALA/NMRT prior
acceptance of the award. Factors considered in
awarding the scholarship
include academic credentials, financial need, and
professional goals. For more information or application
forms, contact:
New Members Round Table
The American Library Association
50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611;
800 545-2433.
AASL School Librarian's Workshop Scholarship
To a full-time student preparing to become a school library
media specialist at the preschool, elementary, or secondary
level. Donor: Jay W. Toor, President, Library Learning
Resources, $2,500.
(American Association of School Librarians)
Beta Phi Mu Scholarship and Fellowship Information
Five scholarships and the Eugene Garfield Doctoral Dissertation
Fellowship are awarded annually by Beta Phi Mu. These
scholarships are awarded each spring. For more information
see: Beta Phi Mu Scholarship and Fellowship Information
Bound to Stay Bound Books Scholarships
For study in the field of library service to children
toward an MLS or beyond, in an ALA-accredited program.
Applicant may not have started program. Two awards. Donor:
Bound to Stay Bound Books, Inc., $5,000 each. (Association
for Library Service to Children)
Cavendish (Marshall) Scholarship
To a worthy U.S. or Canadian citizen to begin an MLS
degree in an ALA-accredited program. $3,000.
(Office for Library Personnel Resources)
Century Scholarship for People with Disabilities
This scholarship will fund services or accommodation
for a library school student or students with disabilities
admitted to an ALA-accredited library school. The scholarship
will fund services or accommodations that are either
not provided by law or otherwise by the university that
will enable the student or students to successfully complete
the course of study for a Master's or Doctorate in Library
Science and become a library or information studies professional.
Applicants must provide medical documentation of their
disability or disabilities, services, or accommodations
and/or services the applicant would need for their studies,
demonstrate the need for financial assistance and be
citizens of the United States or Canada. $2500.
(Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies)
Contact: Lillian Lewis - 1-800-545-2433, 1-4396
For more information:Century Scholarship for People with
Disabilities (ASCLA)
Clift (David H.) Scholarship
To a worthy U.S. or Canadian citizen to begin an MLS
degree in an ALA-accredited program. $3,000.
(Office for Library Personnel Resources)
Crawford (Shirley) Minority Scholarship
To a worthy U.S. or Canadian minority student to begin
an MLS degree in an ALA-accredited program. Donor: Reed
Reference Publishing, $3,000.
(Office for Library Personnel Resources)
Drewes (Tom C.) Scholarship
Given to a library support staff person pursuing a master's
degree. $3,000.
(Office for Library Personnel Resources)
Gaver (Mary V.) Scholarship
To a library support staff specializing in youth services.
(Office for Library Personnel Resources)
Giles (Louise) Minority Scholarship
To a worthy U.S. or Canadian minority student to begin
an MLS degree in ALA-accredited program. $3,000.
(Office for Library Personnel Resources)
Hornback (Miriam L.) Scholarship
To an ALA or library support staff person pursuing a
master's degree in library science. $3,000.
(Office of Library Personnel Resources)
Hoy (Christopher J.)/ERT Scholarship
To individuals who will be attending an ALA-accredited
program of library and information studies leading to
a master's degree.
Donor: family of Christopher Hoy, $3,000.
(Exhibits Round Table)
Leisner (Tony B.) Scholarship
For a library support staff person pursuing a master's
degree program. $3,000.
(Office of Library Personnel Resources)
LITA/GEAC-CLSI Scholarship in Library and Information
For work toward an MLS Degree in an ALA-accredited program
with emphasis on library automation.
Donor: CLSI, Inc., $3,000.
(Library and Information Technology Association)
LITA/LSSI Minority Scholarship in Library and Information
To encourage a qualified member of a principal minority
group, with a strong commitment to the use of automation
in libraries, to enter library automation. Annual award
to a master's student.
Donor: Library Systems & Services, Inc., $3,000.
(Library and Information Technology Association)
LITA/OCLC Minority Scholarship in Library and Information
To encourage a qualified member of a principal minority
group, with a strong commitment to the use of automation
in libraries, to enter library automation. Annual award
to a master's student.
Donor: OCLC. $3,000.
(Library and Information Technology Association)
Melcher (Frederic G.) Scholarship
To students entering the field of library service to
children for graduate work in an ALA-accredited program.
$5,000 each.
(Association for Library Service to Children)
Rozkuszka (David) Scholarship
To provide financial assistance to an individual who
is currently working with government documents in a library
while completing a master's program in library science.
(Government Documents Round Table)
Spectrum Initiative Scholarships
The Spectrum scholarships are aimed at improving service
at the local level through the development of a representative
workforce that reflects the communities served by all
libraries in the new millennium. 50 - $5,000 scholarships.
For more information, contact: Sandra
Rios Balderrama 1-800-545-2433, ext. 5020 Or April
Olinger 1-800-545-2433,
ext. 4276
Also see The Spectrum Initiative: Information
and Application Web Site.